I faced you with my back dressed in white.
fully dressed in white.
almost drowning into a white draped dream.
- in this dream we went up stairs.
do you remember the stairs?
it was a labyrinth of intertwined truths.
The dress i wore floated gently behind you.
I smiled, once in a while inside your eyes.
You echoed through walls inside of me.
- in this dream we followed one another to a bedroom.
the cathedral remained so distant.
quite, i never felt so virginal.
he spoke gently, as i kept my cold hands to myself.
A lapse of time fell upon us.
the sun transformed to moon.
something happened just then.
His hands explored my existence for the first time.
My back draped in white facing him.
undressing me slowly nude.
I know you remember.
- in this dream, that i woke up to feel.
the female zoo